Monday, December 8, 2008

Zignals Stock Charts: Pawn Industry

The doom-and-gloom has its boom in the shape of the pawn industry. Search for the term "pawn shop" enjoyed steady gains since 2007. The spikes in the search traffic - with the exception of the most recent spike - relate to criminal investigations.

"Sell my stuff" made an emergence as a search term mid-2007 just before the market headed south.

One stock with an interest in the field is First Cash Financial (FCFS). Since it's feature on November 20th the stock is up 41% and on its way to challenge August 2008 highs at $19.89.

But looks like Ebay (EBAY) is out of favour as an avenue to sell the brick-and-brack.

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Dr. Declan Fallon, Senior Market Technician, the free stock alerts, market alerts, and stock charts website