Thursday, October 9, 2008

Screener Stock Alerts

Recently TraderMike discussed the filters he uses to select stocks for his daily trades. His scans generate a list of stocks about 1,000 long which he then filters by volume and price. In this example I am looking to create a more manageable list of about 40 stocks (or less) which can then be monitored daily using alerts.

Initial parameters:

  • Market Cap > $100m
  • Insider ownership above 25% (we want some confidence from owners)
  • Institutional ownership less than 10% (with potential for big money buyers to step in)
  • Return on Equity greater than 17%

    This scan returned 20 stocks:

    Both the Screening variables

    And the Screener results

    can be saved. The Screener results will then form a new stocklist:

    From the Alerts menu we can then add filters to this stocklist. In this case, an advanced alert was created for a new 120-day on 200% of 60-day SMA (smooth-moving-average) of volume for this list of stocks.

    It's that simple.

    Dr. Declan Fallon, Senior Market Technician, the free stock alerts, market alerts, and stock charts website