Monday, March 16, 2009

News from the Blogosphere

Barclay's and FT Alphaville

HyperInflation for the US?

Crude Oil 'Buy'; push to $80?

Abnoraml Returns: Sucker's rally

Or, Confirmed Rally?

Madoff's victims or fools?

TraderMike shows US markets and stocks like GOOG, AES and JPM are overbought in the short term.

China's worried views on its US investments.

Boot on the other foot.

Is the retail sector coming out of the quagmire?

The Gold Bubble?

Interview with a financial blogger

MBAs need to re-evaluate.

Market Sentiment; weak long term (still).

Dr. Declan Fallon, Senior Market Technician, the free stock alerts, market alerts, and stock charts website